Estimated schedule. Timing may vary depending on a late or early winter Applications are usually 45-60 days apart/(6-8weeks)
*** Program details are subject to change for the better if new products become available to make lawns better***
App 1 - March
This application is designed for the slow release of Nitrogen in granular form. This is a one shot type fertilizer. This has 4 months of slow release nitrogen, Crabgrass prevention, Grub Control all in one app. This ensures as the soil temps change and we get spring moisture that no one is out of time range of these apps as it will work as soil temps warm up and based on moisture levels in the soil.
App 2 - April/May
We also apply a Broadleaf Pre-Emergent for dandelions and clover, spurge, and wild violets. This is where we apply the broadleaf pre- emergent.
App 3 - June
This app is for spot spraying weeds as needed and checking for any fungus activity. Text or email you with any concerns.
App 4 - July/August
This app is for spot spraying weeds as needed. Continuing to monitor fungus and also check for grub damage or grub activity.
App 5 - September
This app is liquid and has a lot of nutrients to help boost root growth and to aid in summer recovery from the heat stress that your lawn may or may not have suffered. This will allow your lawn to spring back up maintaining that lush green lawn. Also applied is our liquid aeration along with a starter fertilizer for those that are seeding. For DIY seedings now is the time to do that prior to our liquid aeration!
App 6 -
This app is granular and is intended for the lawn to store up as much nutrients as possible before the first hard freeze to get the lawn ready for winter. Having enough nutrients built up over winter is vital to a quick green up in Spring.