Professional lawn care services often start with a detailed analysis of your current lawn. We diagnose any problems the lawn may have and then devise a plan to address those issues. We are not a one-size-fits-all shop, we know the importance of customizing a lawn care plan for your specific conditions.
Your lawn may have a recurrence of crab grass every year, or brown spots in the lawn or insect problems. There may be weeds or harmful plant issues that need to be addressed. No two lawns are alike and we treat every lawn on its own merits. We'll use just the right amount of the right chemicals and treatments and not over-prescribe any chemicals.
We also like to inform you as much as possible about your lawn. What types of grasses do you have, what types of weeds or insects are involved, does your lawn have any disease or critical issues? These are all questions we provide the answers to.
Another key consideration is watering. is your lawn getting too little, too much or just the right amount of moisture. We have ways where you can measure the amount of water your lawn gets, so it's no long a guessing game how much it should receive.
Most of our clients find this lawn care analysis very enlightening since they just didn't know all the facets to creating and caring for a lush, beautiful lawn.